United Kingdom: Artech realtors recently hosted an exclusive music concert in the United Kingdom by Kerala’s youth Icon Stephen Devassy and Solid Band. Stephen’s piano performance is often described as ‘flying fingers on keys’ and he recreated the magic of pulsating music which threw the audience to high excitement levels.
Artech, being one of eminent real estate establishments in Kerala was able to receive great reception and business alliance requests during the concert. We were able to attract various investors ranging from NRIs to foreign nationals.
Speaking to the press, Mr. Vinod G. Nair, GM, said that the shows were part of Artech Realtors’ outreach program to connect to the NRKs in the UK. “We are expanding our overseas customer base and plan to connect with Malayalees living in Europe, UK and North America” he said, adding that there was a huge response to Artech’s upcoming innovative projects. According to him, Artech is on the verge of launching several projects in the coming months.
We thank Stephen Devassy and KushLosh media team for making this event a musical extravanganza.