Its none other than Mukesh ambani , Indian Multi-billionaire .He named his newly and most expensive home as Antilla. At a cost of around $2billion, 27 story tower with helipad on top, Antilla claims most expensive house in world .
Antilla has own their own health club and its six floor garge canhold up to 160 plus cars.The tower is made up of glass and is 600 feet tall .It cost more than a hotel of similar size because of its custom measurements and fittings.Each level has a lush garden .
Antilla featured panic room with ultra modern cinema hall. It employs aorund 600 full time servants.Its construction is based on Vaastu which benefits energy by moving through building .
Interesting fact is that no two floors are alike in constrution and materials used. Ambani contructed his house interior should be distinctly Indian. The top floors space, where business meets host has a panoramic view of arabian sea.