Traditional kitchens in India are separated from the store room; they were large and spacious with enough room for equipments like the ural, arakallu, etc. Today some of these items are displayed as antique items and do not serve any purpose beyond that. Economy of space and practical usage makes it blend the store room with the kitchen. Sometimes, the dining area is also combined, especially in studio apartments. Here are the top trends in kitchen design:
Modular Kitchens: Factors such as increasing spending power of families, modern aesthetic sensibilities, and a rise in the number of working women has led to the popularity of modular kitchens. These offer a clutter free, clean, and modern space for people to work. Most importantly, they’re designed keeping in mind the fact that the space shall be used by both men and women. Thus, you have see through glass doors, built-in appliances, etc. are a feature to help people of both sexes to function better.
Specialized for Indian conditions: Indian cooking involves storing a lot of dried grains and edibles. Most of our cooking processes involve frying; hence our kitchens are more prone to greasiness. Materials used in these kitchens should be thus grease resistant. Unlike the West, dishwashers are not common; most of the cleaning is done manually, and that too by a housemaid. It is important that the problem of water seepage is taken care. It is also important to note that Indians are not very keen on maintenance; materials used should be sturdy and fuss free.
Flooring: Unlike other areas marble and other materials are usually avoided in kitchens. The current trend is to opt for polished or stained granite as they’re functional and elegant as well.
Countertops: Granite is the most obvious choice. Besides granite, other popular materials include marble, composite, wood, steel etc. Laminated counter tops haven’t made a major impact because of its high maintenance element.
Wall: Ceramic tiles have always been a common choice because they’re easy to maintain. Alternatives include easy to clean wall paint, wooden frames, etc.
Appliances: Not until a few years ago, electric kitchen chimneys were a feature of upscale kitchens. But today, they’re commonly found in almost every kitchen.
Lighting: This too has undergone a sea change. Modern lighting now focuses on spot lighting, rather than tube lights.
These are just some of the common trends popular in modern kitchens today.