When you are going to be spending a vast amount of money and possibly making the biggest investment of your life, its best to educate yourself as much as possible on your builder.
Choosing a qualified builder for your new home is crucial and shouldn’t turn into a nightmare, so do thorough background researches before deciding on a builder for that apartment you have always been dreaming of. Finalizing on the city and the local area where you want to be based has to go along with being sure that the builder is reliable, starts and completes projects on time, uses good quality materials, provides modern amenities, follows basic safety guidelines for the structure, security features, etc. The list of requirements can go on and on, but first, it’s better to make a checklist, that way, you won’t leave any doubts behind when finalizing on your builder.
It’s not just the basic home design that matters, but the materials and methods that go into building it too, that is of primal importance. So when talking with your builder, forget the reticence and conservative politeness, be blunt and ask all the questions pertaining to your doubts.
Searching for a decent builder should start with referrals from friends and family who have recently been involved with them. Check on the net, local newspaper and magazines; there are greater chances of getting reputable builders this way too. Shortlist three builders on whom you can do a background check for their credentials. Remember, you need a builder who will give you good value for your money while providing an exceptional standard of work.
Look for a builder with at least five years of experience under his belt since it takes time to develop solid project management skills and a network of suppliers and workers. A builder who sticks to a specific style only may not be the one you want to build your home. Also, a builder who spends too much time on the designing and budgeting stage may delay the completion dates agreed upon, so watch out for the lax ones! An ideal builder should be open to allowing you to choose your own brands of fittings to include into the project, so opt for a builder who can take the time out to make specific changes according to your needs.
Meeting former clients of your builder would give you an insight into how the builder operates and whether he gives back equal value for payment received.
Ask your builder for any hidden charges such as for parking facilities or public spaces like lobby, elevators and staircases. Ask about the cost of standard fittings and what other specific fittings could cost you. Find out about any guarantees and warrantees available for the project and what responsibility he will take for anything not found to be compliant with the contract. Be aware of the features that aren’t included in the builders quote as these will be extra expenses on you. Also, find out about the time frame for delivery and what penalties can be issued in case of late delivery.
As you will be investing a lot of money, protect yourself, do your homework, and make your home project a hassle-free experience!