In the days of yore, bedrooms were hardly a space where people spent time and money. Creative design efforts were largely reserved for public spaces like living rooms and dining rooms. But today, bedrooms are used for more than just sleeping- they’re a place for couples for to read, relax and exercise. Simply put, they’re now a haven for harried homeowners looking to escape the stress around them. To those looking for some basic bedroom design ideas that are easy to implement, here are some;
Colors: Colors have always been associated with emotions and feelings. For instance, red is said to excite a person. Thus, they’re best suited for dining rooms. Pink- of all hues is good for bedroom. The trend is now to paint neutral colors- earthy tones, grey, etc. are said to be pleasing to the eyes. Even colors like brown and green (with the neutral shades) are pleasing to the eyes.
Furniture: Your bed is the focal point of your bedroom; make sure that it is grand and opulent. But care has to be paid to the general theme of the room. For instance, when following the Caribbean theme, pick up a bed that is light and airy with plenty of soft colors.
Furnishing: It is not important that all bedroom furniture like dressing tables, chairs, etc. have to match. You can always buy individual, albeit interesting pieces separately. But also make sure that they’re in scale with the room.
Art Pieces: Here again, personal choice plays an important role. You can either choose a large piece of art or small yet selective pieces, keeping them coordinated with the general theme.
Pillows: Use more than two pillows on the bed. It gives a feeling of luxury and comfort. And if you could afford a monogrammed pillow, nothing like it! Here again, the pillows need not be of the same pattern. You can mix and match floral patterns with geometrical designs, provided they do not look out of place.
Kids Bedroom: Your kid’s needs change constantly; hence make sure that the room is one where you adjust the furniture and furnishings without too much of an effort.
Lighting: Spot lighting is a good idea to make sure that your bedroom is well illuminated, but without being intrusive or bright.
These are just some of the many bedroom design ideas suited for a simple bedroom.